IMpartiality Statement

• KSP SOLUTIONS & ASSESSMENT PVT LTD and its top management are committed to the impartial functioning of KSP SOLUTIONS & ASSESSMENT PVT LTD and will ensure impartiality at all levels of operation and decision making related to certification,inspection,auditing ,testing & calibration services.
• Impartiality is ensured through active consideration of impartiality risks at various stages and a comprehensive risk analysis of different potential risks due to various conflict of interests’ situation arising out of self-interest, self-review, familiarity and intimidation, at individual and organizational levels, including the related individuals and related bodies.
KSP SOLUTIONS & ASSESSMENT PVT LTD is committed to provide its services in a fair, credible and objective manner, through competence, integrity and objectivity.
• KSP SOLUTION & ASSESSMENT PRIVATE LIMITED believes that trust in audit,inspection,certification, testing & calibration process depends on the impartiality of the persons involved in these processes.
• KSP SOLUTION & ASSESSMENT PRIVATE LIMITED has established a system to ensure that individual and organizational conflict of interest is avoided, and Objectivity & complete impartiality is practised in the auditing,inspection,certification, testing & calibration process. We ensure this by –
• Engaging only those professionals in our certification process, who have demonstrated their competence in accordance with applicable professional standards
• Educating auditing,inspection,certification, testing & calibration process personnel about avoiding possible issues that might affect objectivity and impartiality
• Legally binding our auditing,inspection,certification, testing & calibration process personnel to disclose relevant information regarding issues that may lead to possibilities of conflict of interest
• Establishing impartiality monitoring and enforcement committee to act as ultimate authority enforcing impartiality in our auditing,inspection,certification, testing & calibration process.
• KSP SOLUTIONS & ASSESSMENT PVT LTD communicates this impartiality statement and commitment to its employees and contracted personnel to uphold the values of KSP SOLUTIONS & ASSESSMENT PVT LTD, including its impartiality commitment.